TRR 274 Lecture Series – Winter Semester 2024/25

The topic of this lecture series is the biology of the multicellular response that determines recovery after CNS injury. The lecture series focuses on the multi-scale, spatio-temporal cell biology in different models of CNS injury. The participants will not only receive an introduction to principles of CNS recovery, but also the new imaging and sequencing…

Key mechanisms identified for improving astrocyte-to-neuron reprogramming

Researchers from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) made significant progress in unraveling novel mechanisms of glia-to-neuron conversion. By using novel methods in epigenome profiling, they identify a posttranslational modification of Neurogenin2 which profoundly impacts epigenetic rewiring and the improvement in neuronal programming. Specifically, they identified a novel protein as key player in this…

Amyloidosis triggers age-related oligodendrocyte and myelin damage

Age-related myelin damage leads to white matter inflammation, but its impact on chronic neurodegenerative diseases remains unclear. A recent study reveals that amyloidosis alone can cause age-related oligodendrocyte and myelin damage in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. The research team discovered that CD8 T cells contribute to neurodegenerative diseases associated with amyloidosis by abnormally activating…

TRR 274 at Munich Brain Day 2024

The TRR 274 was present once again at the second edition of the Munich Brain Day. The event aimed at bringing the neuroscientist community in Munich together is co-organized by TRR project leader Ruben Portugues. This year, Simon Schäfer and Mikael Simons from our TRR were invited speakers. During the poster session, several of our…

Careers Day 2024

As part of public outreach of the TRR 274, The Institute of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Research (IMSF, headed by Prof. Alexander Flügel) explained how immune cells migrate into the brain and spinal cord and can be visualized directly in the tissue. Under guidance, the students were able to embed, cut, stain and microscope tissue…

BMC Open Day 2024

The BMC Open Day at the Biomedical Centre on 16th March 2024 attracted more than 2000 visitors to Martinsried. A wide range of booths, lectures and activities gave everyone the opportunity to experience research at first hand. Also our consortium was present to inform the public of our aims and goals. Letting people know that…

The TRR 274 granted for a second funding period

The TRR 274 has received the approval of the DFG, and will continue to receive funding for another 4 years. Spokesperson for the CRC in the upcoming funding period (2024-2027) is Prof. Alexander Flügel. With the new funding period, we will say goodbye to some people, but also welcome some newcomers. Check out our new…

TRR 274 supporting NeuroCamp Munich 2023

The TRR 274 is very proud to support another edition of NeuroCamp Munich, an initiative organized by volunteering Neuroscientists in the Munich area to introduce high school students into the world of neuroscience. The 2-week event attracts students from all over the world, during which they can attend one week of lectures and another week…

TRR 274 at Munich Brain Day 2023

The TRR 274 was present at the Munich Brain Day 2023, co-organized by TRR project leader Ruben Portugues. This even aimed to bring the Munich neuroscientist community together with 12 talks, flash presentations and a poster session. More information can be found on their website.

Careers Day 2023: 4 high school students in the IMSF laboratory

As part of the TRR274 the Institute of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Research (IMSF) participated in the nationwide “Careers Day” for girls and boys in Göttingen on 27.04.2023. The “Zukunftstag” tries to break with gender stereotypes and brings students closer to professional fields that often are associated with one gender over the other. Further, the…