International Symposium “Checkpoints of Central Nervous System Recovery“
Symposium (2)
On 14 -17th of March 2023 the TRR274 held its first international retreat at the beautiful conference centre of Kloster Irsee. We had the pleasure to welcome distinguished experts in the field of immunology, glial biology and neurobiology in the context of our TRR274 theme “checkpoints of CNS recovery”.
Our consortium members as well as our guest speakers came together to present their research and exchange ideas on CNS recovery. Our guest speakers arrived from all over the globe and inlcuded:
Prof. Dr. Wee Yong (Head, Reparative Neuroinflammation Research Lab, University of Calgary, Canada)
Dr. Cinthia Farina, Head, Immunobiology of Neurological Disorders Lab, Institute of Experimental Neurology (INSpe) and Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy)
Dr. Roland Liblau (Membre Senior de l’Institut Universitaire de France, Laboratoire d’Immunologie, CHU Toulouse, Co-responsable de l’équipe “Neuro-immunologie” , Infinity – Institut Toulousain des Maladies Infectieuses et Inflammatoires, INSERM UMR1291 – CNRS UMR5051 – Université Toulouse III)
Prof. Dr. Simone di Giovanni (Head of the Division of Neuroscience, Department of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK)
Prof. Dr. Luisa Klotz (Klinik für Neurologie mit Institut für Translationale Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster)
Prof. Dr. Britta Eickholt (Director Institut für Molekularbiologie und Biochemie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Jung (The Henry H. Drake Professorial Chair of Immunology, Department of Immunology & Regenerative Biology (IRB), Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
Dr. Monica Sousa (Nerve Regeneration group, IBMC/i3S, University of Porto)
Prof. Dr. Anna Williams (Professor of Regenerative Neurology, Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Institute for Regeneration and Repair, University of Edinburgh)
We want to thank everyone for joining and making this another special and interesting scientific meeting!