10. January 2022
New Clinician Scientists: Dr. Mihai Ancau & Dr. Kolja Meier
As part of our Clinician Scientist Programme, we are happy to welcome and support Dr. Mihai Ancau and Dr. Kolja Meier as successful applicants to our TRR274

10. January 2021
New Clinician Scientists: Dr. Lara Marten & Dr. Katharina Eisenhut
As part of ourClinician Scientist Programme, we are happy to welcome and support Dr. Lara Marten and Dr. Katharina Eisenhut as successful applicants to our TRR274 in 2021. The Clinician

1. October 2020
New Clinician Scientists: Dr. Johanna Knöferle & Dr. Jonas Franz
As part of our Clinician Scientist Programme, we are proud to welcome and support Dr. Johanna Knöferle and Dr. Jonas Franz as our first successful applicants to